The premises are an integral part of these conditions of use of this website
These General Conditions of Use of the Site (hereinafter referred to as "Conditions") establish the conditions under which the user is allowed to use the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site").
By using the Site, by accessing, browsing and using the contact form, the User accepts these Conditions and undertakes to respect them.
The Conditions are addressed to the User intended both as a subject who limits himself to consulting the information entered therein or who uses the services offered by the site if he proceeds to use the contact form useful in order to be contacted to obtain information relating to the products sold. from Iconic Puzzles
The use of this site is governed by the conditions of use which can be consulted by clicking on Privacy Policy.
The text mentions commonly recognized terms with a unique meaning that are assumed to be known and understood by the user of the site.
The Data Controller reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify these Provisions at any time. The User is therefore invited to view the General Use Provisions at each access to the Site.
The acceptance of the conditions of use of the aforementioned site constitute an agreement between the User and the Data Controller.
Data Controller
The Owner reserves the right to make changes to these terms of use which the User will be aware of by posting on the Site. Access following the change implies full acceptance by the User of the new conditions of use.
Personal data treatment
The processing of personal data will take place in compliance with the applicable privacy legislation, EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and Privacy Code Legislative Decree 196/2003 harmonized with the GDPR, also through third parties, for the purposes related to this site.

Rights and Obligations of the User
The User is required to use the website and the services offered for it in timely and constant compliance with the law and with the provisions of these provisions of use, public order and morality (including the customary rules related to the so-called Netiquette which could be translated into "Etiquette of the Net (Net)". The term Netiquette means the set of rules governing the behavior that people must have on the Internet. The rules of Netiquette, by way of example and not exhaustive, consist mainly in not infringing the copyright of the contents available on the web, to provide true information and strictly necessary for the use of the services provided by the site. The User may use the Site only for lawful purposes. The User is prohibited to copy the contents of the website, in all its parts, for uses other than strictly personal and, in any case, for commercial uses, without prejudice to the rescriptions relating to the discipline on copyright and / or industrial law.

Intellectual Property Rights
This website and all the images contained therein are protected by current legislation in Italy on copyright, Law 22 April 1941, n. 633 "Protection of copyright and other rights connected with its exercise". Therefore it is absolutely forbidden for the User to copy and disseminate what is published on the website and social pages of Iconic Puzzles, including the drawings that are an integral part of the puzzles, which are covered by the copyright intervened pursuant to the filing of the images at the SIAE to prove the authorship of everything present on our web channels.
In case of violation, the User will be liable for his conduct not only in accordance with the aforementioned copyright legislation but also on the basis of the provisions of Article 2575 of Book V of the Civil Code, "Of the rights on intellectual property and on industrial inventions "guaranteeing the Owner the right to contact the Authority for communications guarantees, AGCOM, in order to enforce the Regulation in
copyright protection matter in force since March 31, 2014.


The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Data Controller in relation to any liability, damage and cost (including, without limitation, legal fees) that the Data Controller may encounter due to:
a violation by the user of these General Terms of Use
claims of third parties that are based on the use of the Site by the User and / or on the use by the User
has made the Site in violation of the General Use Provisions;
information that has been sent, transmitted or uploaded by the User or through his account.

Suspension and Termination
The Owner reserves the right to establish, at its discretion, if there has been a violation of this Policy during the use of the Site, arrogating the right to take the actions it deems most appropriate. Failure to comply with this Policy constitutes a substantial violation of the General Provisions for Use of the Site and may involve, by way of example and not limited to, the immediate, temporary or permanent revocation of the User's right to use the Site, the sending of a warning, legal proceedings against the User with the request for damages and reimbursement of legal costs incurred and the disclosure of information to the competent authorities, where this is necessary or appropriate.

The law applicable to the relationships arising from the use of the service is the Italian one, in the light of which these Use Provisions must also be interpreted.
For any dispute arising from or relating to the use of the website governed by these General Conditions, Italian law will apply.



1. General provisions
These General Conditions of Use of the Site (hereinafter also just the "Conditions"), together with the documents referred to therein, establish the conditions under which the user is allowed to use the Iconic Puzzles site, " / ”(hereinafter, the" Site ") both as a visitor and as a registered User (hereinafter the" User "). Use of the Site means accessing, browsing or registering on the Site.
Please read these Terms carefully before using the Site. You are advised to print a copy of these Terms for future reference. By using the Site, the User accepts these Conditions and undertakes to respect them. The User cannot use the Site if he does not accept these Conditions.

2. Other Applicable Conditions
These Conditions refer to the following additional conditions, which also apply in case of use of the Site:
The Iconic Puzzles Privacy Policy sets out the conditions under which it processes the User's personal data. By using the Site, the User consents to this treatment and guarantees that all the data provided by the same are correct.
The Policy establishes the permitted uses of the Site. Each time the User uses the Site, he is required to comply with this Policy.
The Iconic Puzzles Cookie Policy contains information on cookies relating to the Site.
In case of purchase of products from the Site, the General Conditions of sale / purchase of Iconic Puzzles
Information related to Iconic Puzzles
The Site is managed by IDON SRLS with registered office in Viale Tiziano 15, Cesenatico, 47042, Italy, e-mail address (hereinafter also "IDON") hereinafter referred to as "The data controller" or "the owner"

3. Changes to the General Conditions of Use of the Site
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change these Terms at any time. The User is therefore invited to view the General Conditions of Use at each access to the Site.
Iconic Puzzles also reserves the right to suspend the services connected to the Site at any time.

4. Changes to the Site
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right, at its discretion, to update the Site and modify its content at any time and is obliged to update the content of the Site but does not guarantee that the Site or its contents are free from errors or omissions.

5. Access to the Site
The Site is made available free of charge.
Iconic Puzzles does not provide any guarantee that the Site or its contents are constantly accessible. Access to the Site is permitted on a temporary basis. Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to suspend, delete, interrupt or modify the Site in whole or in part without notice and will not be liable to the User if for any reason the Site is not available, in whole or in part.
The User will take care to prepare everything necessary to be able to access the Site.
The User ensures that whoever accesses the Site via an internet connection owned by the User is aware of these Terms and all other applicable terms and conditions and that they undertake to comply with them.

6. The User's Account and Password
If the User receives an identification code, password or any other information due to the security procedures of Iconic Puzzles, he must treat this information as confidential and not disclose it to third parties.
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to deactivate the identification code and password, chosen by the User or assigned by Iconic Puzzles, at any time if, in its opinion, the User has not complied with these Conditions.
If the User knows or suspects that another person is aware of his / her identification code or password, he / she must immediately notify Iconic Puzzles by sending an email to

7. Industrial and intellectual property rights
Iconic Puzzles is the owner or licensee of all industrial and intellectual property rights relating to the Site, its contents and the materials published therein (by way of example but not limited to, texts, lists, manuals, photographs, illustrations, images, drawings technicians, videos, audio, advertising texts, trademarks, domain names, drawings, projects even if not covered by patents, software, databases and any other material or content - hereinafter, jointly, the "Material"). These rights are protected under applicable laws and international treaties.
The User may not modify the Material, paper or digital, printed or downloaded from the Site. Furthermore, the User may not use images, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from the accompanying text.
Iconic Puzzles must always be indicated as the author of the Material.
The User may not use the Site or the Material for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Iconic Puzzles. If the User uses the Site or prints, copies or downloads the Material in violation of these Conditions, the User does not have the right to use the Site and must, at the request of Iconic Puzzles, destroy or return the Material.

8. Guarantee on the information contained on the Site
The information and the Site Material are provided for informational purposes only. The User cannot rely on them and, if he intends to make decisions based on such information or Materials, he must seek specialist or professional advice.
Iconic Puzzles makes every reasonable effort to update the information and Materials on the Site. However, Iconic Puzzles makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of such information or Materials.

9. Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by law, Iconic Puzzles disclaims any warranties, express or implied, relating to the Site or its use.
Iconic Puzzles excludes any liability, of a contractual or non-contractual nature, towards the User for damages or losses, deriving from or connected to:
o use or inability of the User to use the Site;
o use of information or Materials contained on the Site or reliance on them.
The Site is provided exclusively for domestic and / or private use.
Iconic Puzzles is not necessarily affiliated / connected / contractually linked to any website to which links exist on the Site. A link from the Site to any other website does not imply that Iconic Puzzles endorses or recommends in any way said website or has control over said website. Even in the presence of links, Iconic Puzzles assumes no responsibility for the content and / or use of any third party website.
Other limitations and exclusions of liability may apply in relation to the sale of products through the Site. Please consult the General Conditions of Sale / Purchase of Iconic Puzzles.

10. Indemnity
The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Iconic Puzzles in relation to any liability, damage and cost (including, without limitation, legal fees) which it may incur due to: (i) a violation by the User of the General Conditions of Use or of the declarations and guarantees indicated herein; (ii) claims of third parties that are based on the use of the Site and / or the Material by the User and / or on the use that the User has made of the Site and / or the Material in violation of the General Conditions of Use; (iii) information or Material that has been sent, transmitted or uploaded by the User or through his account.

11. Links to the Site
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right not to allow links to the Site, without prior notice.
The websites on which links are allowed must comply with the Site Permitted Use Policy.
If the User wishes to use the contents of the Site in ways different from those indicated above, he must contact Iconic Puzzles at the e-mail address ""

12. Applicable law and competent court
These Conditions are governed by Italian law.
For any dispute arising from or relating to the use of the website governed by these General Conditions, the Italian Jurisdiction will be competent

13.Policy on the permitted use of the Site
This Policy on the permitted use of the Site (hereinafter also just the "Policy") establishes the conditions under which the User is allowed to use the Iconic Puzzles site "" (hereinafter, the "Site") both as a visitor and as a registered User.

Use of the Site implies acceptance of this Policy, which integrates the General Conditions of Use of the Site.


14. Unauthorized Uses
The User may use the Site only for lawful purposes. It is forbidden to use the Site:
or in such a way that it violates the law or is illegal or fraudulent;
or for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way;
or in order to send, receive, upload, download, use or reuse any non-material
compliant with Content Standards
or to transmit, or obtain transmission, unsolicited advertising or
promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam)
or to send data, send or upload any material containing virus, trojan horse,
worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware, or other malicious programs.
The User also undertakes not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of the Site, any equipment or network on which the Site resides, any software used for the Site; any equipment or network or software owned or used by third parties in violation of the General Conditions of Use of the Site.

15.Suspension and Termination
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, if there has been a violation of this Policy while using the Site. When a violation of this Policy occurs, Iconic Puzzles will have the right to undertake the actions it deems most appropriate.
Failure to comply with this Policy constitutes a substantial violation of the General Conditions of Use of the Site and may have the following consequences:
o the immediate, temporary or permanent revocation of the User's right to use the Site;
o sending a reminder;
or judicial proceedings against the User with a claim for damages or reimbursement
the legal expenses incurred;
or other actions against the User;
o the disclosure of information to the competent authorities, where this is necessary or appropriate.
Iconic Puzzles will not be liable for the consequences resulting from actions taken in response to violations of this Policy.
The actions described above are indicated by way of example and not exhaustively, Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to take any other action it deems appropriate.

16. Changes to the Policy
Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to change this Policy at any time without notice. The User is required to periodically check this page to take note of any changes to the Policy that will be binding for the User. Some of the provisions contained in this Policy may be superseded or modified by other provisions in other sections of the Site.

17.Reviews, comments, communications and other content
When the User writes his own review or comment on the Site, he must observe the following guidelines:
o focus attention on the product and on one's own individual experience of use; or provide details on the reasons why a product is liked or not.
All reviews submitted are subject to the terms established by the Facebook Terms of Use, as well as to the Terms of Use on the Service and comments by Iconic Puzzles which reserves the right not to post a User comment if it violates the guidelines. or contains:
or obscenities, discriminatory language, or expressions unsuitable for a public forum
o Advertisements, "spam" or references to other products, offers, or websites
or email addresses, URLs, Twitter handles, telephone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of
contact info
or critical or malicious comments about other reviews posted on the page or their authors.
Furthermore, if the User wishes to share with Iconic Puzzles opinions on products, prices, orders, deliveries or other customer service issues, please contact Iconic Puzzles directly at the e-mail address

The User accepts and guarantees not to send any content:
or that contains false, inaccurate or misleading information;
or that violates any industrial and intellectual property right, trade secrets, personal data
or other rights of third parties;
or that violates laws or regulations (including the rules for the protection of consumers, competition, the
commercial break);
or that is, or can reasonably be considered, defamatory, libelous, disparaging,
discriminatory or offensive to religion, or harmful or harassing to any
individual or company;
or for which the User has received a consideration from a third party;
or that includes information that refers to other sites, addresses, email addresses, numbers of
telephone or contact information;
or that contains any type of virus, worm or other potentially harmful program or file
You agree to indemnify and hold Iconic Puzzles (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, employees and suppliers) harmless from any action and request, including claims for damages, including legal fees, arising from a violation of the above declarations and guarantees, or from the violation of laws or rights of third parties.
Any published content is subject to a free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable license in favor of Iconic Puzzles to use, copy, modify, delete, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, sell and / or distribute such content and / or integrate such content in any form, medium or technology around the world.

Any content posted may be used at the discretion of Iconic Puzzles which reserves the right to change, reduce or delete any content on the Site which, in its discretionary judgment, violates the content guidelines or any other provision of these Terms of Use. Use. Iconic Puzzles does not guarantee that the User will have the right to obtain the publication or modification of any published content. Reviews and comments are usually posted within 2-4 business days. However, Iconic Puzzles reserves the right to remove or refuse to post a comment for any reason. The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the published content. None of the content is subject to any obligation of confidentiality on the part of Iconic Puzzles, its agents, affiliates, partners or suppliers and their respective directors, officers and employees.
By submitting your email address in connection with the review, you agree that Iconic Puzzles and its service providers may use that email address to contact you about your review or for other administrative purposes.
To contact us, send an e-mail to

The terms and phrases defined in these General Conditions of Sale have, when indicated with a capital letter, the meaning conventionally attributed or referred to in this document.
"Seller": IDON SRLS with registered office in Viale Tiziano 15, Cesenatico, 47042, Italy, email address (hereinafter also "IDON");
"Buyer": the person, natural or legal, in favor of whom the transfer of ownership of an asset produced or marketed by IDON SRLS is completed;
"Parties": Seller and Buyer jointly;
"Products": game or clothing accessories produced / marketed by the Seller as resulting from the latter's price list in force at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract;
"Purchase agreement": agreement between the Seller and the Buyer for the transfer to the latter of the ownership of a thing against payment of a price;
"Conditions": the conditions go before the use of this website and the purchase of the articles contained therein.
"Data protection policies": Information on Cookies and Information on the Protection of Personal Data.

The General Conditions of Sale form an integral part of this
 with this document intends to indicate the conditions governing the use of this website and the purchase of the items contained therein. With regard to any operation that will not be expressly referred to in this document, please refer to the forecasts on distance selling, contained in Chapter I of Title III of Part III of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005) and by the rules on electronic commerce referred to in Legislative Decree no. 70/2003, and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, will be subject to the legislation referred to in Legislative Decree 196/03 and the EU Reg. 679/2016.

For the Customer, the purchase of products and services online implies full acceptance, without reservations, of these general terms and conditions of sale
Before using this website, please read carefully the Conditions of the Information on Cookies and the Information on the Protection of Personal Data.
This is determined by the fact that the use of this website or the transmission of an order through it implies acceptance of these conditions and the Data Protection Policies. By placing an order through this website, you guarantee to be over the age of 18 and have the legal right to enter into binding contracts. Therefore, by using the website, you authorize us to process such information and personal data and declare that all information and / or personal data (including your e-mail address, postal address and / or other contact details) are accurate and truthful since if
does not provide us with all the information we will need, we will not be able to process your order.
Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of these conditions, you cannot make false or fraudulent orders because if we have plausible reasons to believe that an order of this nature has been placed, we will be authorized to cancel it and inform the competent authorities.

Each Purchase Agreement will only concern the Products expressly indicated in the contractual documents. The Seller specifies that the representations and / or images of the same shown in catalogs, brochures, websites, or similar documents are merely illustrative and not binding. Before the conclusion of each individual Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Purchaser must verify that the Products are suitable for the purpose and / or specific use for which he intends to purchase them. Therefore, the Purchaser, except for the warranty for defects, indemnifies the Seller from any claims of its successors in title for alleged unfitness / non-conformity of the Products to their needs.

The information referred to in these Conditions and the details contained in this website constitute a mere invitation to formulate a contractual proposal as there is no contract between the Parties in relation to any products until your order has been explicitly accepted by we. If your offer is not accepted and your account has already been charged, the amount of the same will be returned to you in its entirety and in the manner described below.
To place an order, you must follow the online purchase procedure and click on "Authorize payment". Subsequently, you will receive an e-mail confirming the receipt of your order (so-called "Order Confirmation"). It is understood that this will not entail the acceptance of your order as it constitutes an offer that you make in the against us for the purchase of one or more products. The contract for the purchase of a product between the Parties will be considered concluded only when we send you the Shipping Confirmation since all orders will be subject to our approval of which you will be informed with the '' sending an e-mail confirming that the order is being shipped (so-called "Shipping Confirmation"). Only the products indicated in the Shipping Confirmation will be the subject of the Contract. The details of the order will be summarized in the electronic receipt attached to the Shipping Confirmation (so-called "E-Ticket").
After sending the order, the Customer will receive a confirmation e-mail at his e-mail address, provided when registering and / or filling in the fields required by this site. If for any reason the Seller is unable to execute the order, the Customer will be informed as soon as possible. If the Seller has already received payment for this order, it will refund the amount using the same method chosen by the Customer to make the payment.

The Seller exercises the utmost diligence in accepting and processing orders, without prejudice to the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, we undertake to send the order of the product (s) indicated in the relative Shipping Confirmation by the date indicated in this Confirmation. Shipping within a maximum of 15 working days.
For the purposes referred to in these Conditions, the "delivery" will be considered concluded through the acquisition, by you or a third party indicated by you, of the availability which will be proved through the signing of the order receipt to the agreed shipping address. The risks relating to the products will pass to you from the moment of their delivery.
We will not be liable in any way for non-fulfillment or delays in the performance of any of the obligations under the Agreement caused by events that are beyond our reasonable control ("Force Majeure Events")

If the item received is defective for reasons attributable to the seller or the manufacturer, please notify the Seller immediately and return the item to the address that will be communicated by contacting the Seller by email "" . We will carefully examine the returned product and notify you by e-mail, within a reasonable time, if we will proceed with the refund, via the payment method used to make the purchase, or if the product is replaced (depending on the case).
All rights recognized by current legislation remain unaffected.

Do you have a returns policy?

✔︎ Yes! We are extremely confident that you will love each of our Iconic Puzzles, each puzzle has been designed and engineered from us with care and love! We take care of every detail of our puzzles to obtain an absolute maximum quality from all points of view. However if you do not find our puzzles great as you expected, we do offer a 30-day returns policy. 

The product being returned must be in an unused condition and returned along with the storage bag and box that it arrives in.

Please contact to start the return procedure, so that our team will reply to you indicating to which address the package will need to be sent. The returns for the non-appreciation of the product are not free, and are charged to the customer.

As soon as we will receive your return item, our team will check the condition, if it has not been damaged or used, we will approve the refund.


Can you do something in case my package arrives damaged or there are manufacturing problems?

✔︎ YES, OF COURSE! Our priority is to guarantee you a unique experience with our puzzles, just because they are unique, we want you or the person to whom you give them a unique experience. So, we do offer also a 30-day free replacement/refund policy.

Therefore, in this case, we kindly ask you to send us an email to, in which you explain the problem and send us one or more photos of the damaged/defective product, and the order number or proof of purchase. 

You will have two possibilities, the first is to receive a completely new product free of charge, the second is to have a full refund of the damaged product, write us what you prefer in the email. If the pictures that we receive from you, clearly shows that the product is damaged or defective, the item will not need to be returned.

You can always contact us for any return question at


I am buying one of your puzzles as a gift, but I will deliver it on a date that exceeds your 30 days. If the person to whom I give it detects manufacturing defects, what can I do?

✔︎  Don't worry, we have a solution for that too!

Our brand offers you coverage up to 90 days in case the puzzle you gave as a gift is damaged or defective.
In this case, we ask you to let us know that the puzzle is intended to be a gift and that the date of the gift exceeds the 30 days of our policy. You will need to notify us by email within 30 days of delivery. So we will know that if there are any problems with the product, you have contacted us with advance notice and we can be sure of your sincerity.

Our team will put you on a list in which all customers are guaranteed up to 90 days for gifts.
If this communication reaches us after 30 days of delivery, unfortunately we cannot help you, so please read this paragraph carefully.


How can I cancel my order?

An order can only be canceled only before it is shipped.
If you have already received the shipping confirmation email, the one that says "Your order is on its way", you will no longer be able to cancel the order.
We normally process and ship orders received within 24-48h maximum.

You can pay for ordered items using the methods below:  
Credit or debit card
price paid for the purchase of the product, excluding shipping costs incurred for
will be returned on
receive the product and those incurred to make it.
You can enter your payment information when placing your order, using a valid credit or debit card (VISA or Mastercard). The applicable amount will be immediately reserved on the card but will not be charged until the items are shipped. The Seller reserves the right to check the validity of the credit or debit card, the credit status in relation to the value of the order and the correctness of the buyer's address. The Seller srl may refuse the order based on the results of these checks.
If you choose to pay with PayPal, the Seller reserves the right to check the validity of the PayPal account, to verify that there are sufficient funds to pay for the purchase and to confirm the correctness of the information of the buyer's billing address. The applicable amount will be immediately reserved on the PayPal account, but will not be charged until the items are released from the warehouse. RVL reserves the right to refuse any order.
The Customer will receive the legally valid invoice in the shipping confirmation e-mail.

The Seller does everything possible to accurately show the characteristics of its products, including composition, colors and size. The colors displayed depend on the operating system used on the Customer's computer; the Seller cannot guarantee that the Customer's computer accurately reproduces the colors.

All intellectual property rights, such as trademarks and copyrights on this site. Any use of this site or its contents, including copying or saving such contents in whole or in part, for use other than personal and non-commercial use, is prohibited without the permission.
You acknowledge and agree that all copyrights, trademarks and any intellectual property rights on the materials or content presented as an integral part of the website are our property.

This Agreement is entirely subject to Italian law which regulates its conclusion, execution and termination and on the basis of which it will be interpreted, also for the purpose of resolving disputes arising from it.
The Parties will do their best to resolve any dispute or divergence between them arising from this Agreement. For any dispute relating to this Agreement, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the Italian Jurisdiction will be competent.